Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You may or may not know that I live in a student flat on the 8th floor, and share this "house" with 7 housemates. About once a year we have the fire department coming through to ensure the hallways aren't blocked by anything in case a fire breaks out. This is usually the only week in the year the hallway is empty. No different this year, only this year I figured out that if for example Hugo has his junk sitting out in the hallways when they come to do their second check (they usually come on monday and then again on thursday or friday) that the whole house could be put out on the street. As in, I would need to find a new place to live. So that kind of put a new perspective on things. From now on I will be ever vigilant for clutter in the hallway, and no more mr niceguy for Hugo's giant contrabass.

It rained all day and I made way too much macaroni.

1 comment:

  1. :D too much macaroni!! Put on some parmesan and it'll be great!! I always loved the fire department coming by in our flat, because they put a container at the parking lot, and everybody throws in stuff from his/her floor.... Flying refridgerators and couches and stuff... always nice!! :D
