Saturday, November 19, 2011


Another awesome night in dreamland for yours truly. I kicked some serious ass fast & furious style. There was an epic car chase, and I was driving like nascar. When I was eventually cornered by the massive amount of police cars + helicopters out to get me, the chase went on on foot. By then I was not alone anymore, there we two other guys trying to help me escape. I was a little shook up from crashing my car into a wall but we ran into a movie theater to escape the police. The back of the theater opened up to some Chinese fighting-camp, which we had to fight our way through. There were some asian chicks with swords which I totally beat the crap out of, I have no idea how I was capable to just hang in the air while my feet kicked them in the head. When we got to the other side of the compound it appeared the police were waiting for us to come out so they could shoot us. This is where (probably because of the bleak prospects) my dream decided to shift. Next I dreamed Marlene lived in the prettiest of fairytale castles, and I was there to visit. It appeared they had a mouse problems in the castle. They were everywhere, but most prominently in Marlene's bedroom. Oh joy. While I was lecturing her on the virtues of mouse-poison, they climbed into my hair and ran over my feet. It was disgusting. She wouldn't listen to my advice either. Next I dreamed that Marlene, me, and some other housemates were in the woods around La Norma and it was summertime. There were bears there, and Marlene thought it was stupid that I didn't want to venture outside the car, said the bears were quite harmless. I couldn't get out of my mind the time in Canada when I had heard a bear had eaten a jogger. I think I did eventually get out of the car, discovering a campsite nearby where all the people were oblivious to the bear-dangers out there.

What a night.

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