Friday, April 9, 2010

Some seriously awkward moments in the kitchen today with this girl who's temporarily living in Lina's room which is across the hallway from me. I was defrosting some bread in the microwave when she walks in. "Hey, do you surf?" (I was wearing Wieske's surf t-shirt) so I say "No my sister does I just got the shirt because I went along" she says something like "ahh okay" and I was just standing there not knowing what to so I said "yeah.. s'nice" she goes "what?" and I say "Nice, getting free clothes" "ah yeah" ... (silence) and the stupid thing was she wasn't DOING anything like seriously did she follow me into the kitchen to have words or something? Thankfully my bread was done then so I said "well have a good meal if you're going to have lunch" while she was inspecting some century old announcement on the bulletin board, and just left. I mean that a reasonable thing to say right? She was in the kitchen after all. Anyway the conversation may seem fine from what I wrote but it wasn't. It was weird, it can't have been pleasant for either of us, I'm sure of it.

For the rest I religiously worked on my essay all day with (in my opinion) good results! Hail Jewish American Literature!

1 comment:

  1. nice job!!! Perhaps she surfs? Or she thought you surfed and thought you were cool because of it!! yay!!

