Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I just had a really weird dream. It's probably due to the fact that I'm staying with my sister, and her house is still new to me. She had to work today so she was up at the break of dawn whereas I, having been fleetingly awake when she left, drifted in and out of sleep for the next couple of hours. There was also a pretty heavy thunderstorm going on outside, that might've helped.

So anyway, I dreamed that I was exactly where I was, namely, in the guest room in my sisters' house. Only in my dream I could hear a noise, and I was instantly aware of my sisters' flatscreen TV and the fact people might want to steal it. So in my dream I walk in to the hall and catch this like 12 year old boy climbing inside through the balcony door. He's pretty small so I'm thinking, I can totally handle this, so i get all up in his face and ask him what the hell he's doing there. He actually admits to wanting to steal stuff, and I escort him to the door to kick him out to the street, but for some reason the front door is suddenly HUGE and there are now two of them with a little foyer in between. Anyway, he doesn't want to go out so I have to drag him out into the street and just as a pass the front doors and realize that this might not have been the brightest idea, I turn around and some old lady is standing in my sisters' house and shuts the door in my face. Cue wake #1.

Ok so I'm relieved it was just a dream, nothing is really going on anyway, the house is prefectly safe. Then sometime later, I think I hear dogfeet clicking on the floor in the living room. I think, Rody? (thats our parents' dog) And I walk downstairs thinking my mom must be here if Rody is here too. Only when I get to the living room there are two Rody's and no mom at all. Somehow I don't even find it weird that there are two Rody's, which is a bit peculiar. But oh well, Cue wake #2.

Ok so I'm half awake, thinking hah! just another silly dream. Then awhile later I hear dog nails on the floor downstairs again. So I head downstairs again and walk into my mom who's halfway up the stairs cleaning.. something. Anyway I'm relieved, see I'm not crazy! she's actually here! And so is Rody, and my aunt. I plop down on the couch happily and start telling them about the weird dreams and yesterday's dinner which was both healthy AND really tasty, so I'm listing the ingredients when.. plop! Cue wake #3.

Now that was just weird honestly, I was even ready to tell them about my weird dream, within the weird dream! There was another variation of the dream in which my sister comes home early and I hear her slam the door and everything. Obviously that didn't happen either.

Anyway it's totally strange when you're dreaming about the actual location you are in and can't separate reality from fiction. Let's not do that again!

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